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Sunflower Seed | iranian raisins|iranian dates|iranian dried fruits|foofel

Foofel company , producer& exporter of diffrent kinds of ( raisins &dates ) & dried fruits &nuts with 2 decades of experience, It is considered one of the exporters of Iranian dried fruits.

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Sunflower Seed

sunflower seed

 Bulk and Non-bulk Packaging

Our products are available in bulk and non-bulk with the brands of Foofel or your own brand in a variety of cartons with the address, and the logo printed on. We offer sun flower seeds in different packages. We welcome your ideas and can also produce with your own brand. We are able to produce and offer different kinds of Iranian sunflower seed in various packaging with the accepted standards of the world.

packaging sunflower seed

The types of sunflower seeds

Oily, white and almond round and etc. are some of the types of sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds contain B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, manganese, and folate. It is rich in vitamin E (antioxidant). So it is said that sunflower seeds are one of the 10 richest sources of vitamin E. They are obtained from sunflower ripe flowers.

The magnesium in sunflower seeds is needed for better calcium absorption, which causes bone formation. Also they are a source of energy. Sunflower seeds contain beneficial folate micronutrients (as one of the most important micronutrients needed during pregnancy), zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamin E, which are very useful for pregnant women.

As mentioned before sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E. This vitamin is a kind of antioxidant, so consuming sunflower seeds prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and its effect on the heart and blood vessels and it is a good treatment for heart diseases. Due to its vitamin E content, it is a good blood pressure regulator. It also protects the skin from UV damage. The presence of selenium in sunflower seeds prevents cancer. They are very good for children’s growth.

sunflower seed

Nutrition Facts

Here are the nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw peanuts:

Water 7%
Protein25.8 grams
Carbs16.1 grams
Sugar4.7 grams
Fiber8.5 grams
Fat49.2 gram
Saturated6.28 grams
Monounsaturated24.43 grams
Polyunsaturated15.56 grams
Trans0 grams
Omega-3: 0 gramsOmega-6: 15.56 grams